A daily scripture, followed by a saintly reflection and a prayer.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Scripture, Reflection and Prayer 11/10/2008
I give you a wise and understanding heart so that there will never have been anyone like you up to now, and after you there will never be one to equal you. - 1 Ki 3:12
Reflection: Mary remains in the Church and is present in her in a maternal way. She continues to reserve in her Heart all that the Church, the Mystical Body of her Son, lives and all that--in the Church--the human family lives as well as every person redeemed by Christ. - Pope John Paul II
Prayer: O Mary, you are the Mother of the Church. Reserve in your Heart the lives of all the faithful and watch over each one of us.
From: Mary Day by Day (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
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