Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Scripture, Reflection and Prayer 11/26/2008

Anything that you ask for...I will grant, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
- Jn 14:13

Reflection: O most dear Mary, blessed is the person who loves you! If I love Mary, I am certain of perseverance, and I will obtain from God whatever I want.
- St. John Berchmans

Prayer: O Mary, you have great power with God. Obtain my legitimate requests from your Divine Son and ensure my perseverance in grace until my death.

From: Mary Day by Day (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Scripture, Reflection and Prayer 11/25/2008

The spirit is what gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words that I have spoken...are spirit and life.
- Jn 6:63

Reflection: The Mother and Mistress of Wisdom speaks few words, but each is filled with great depth of meaning. We read that the Mother of Christ spoke seven times, seven words filled with wisdom!
- St. Bernadine

Prayer: O Mary, your words like those of Jesus are spirit and life. Help me to meditate on them every day, for even though they are few, they are filled with meaning for me.

From: Mary Day by Day (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Scripture, Reflection and Prayer 11/24/2008

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovable, whatever is admirable...think about these things.
- Phil 4:8

Reflection: God has deposited in Mary the fullness of all that is good. So if we have any hope, any grace, any salvation, we should realize that it all comes to us through Mary.
- St. Bernard

Prayer: O Mary, all spiritual goods come to us from God through you. Teach me to ask only for those things that help my spiritual growth.

From: Mary Day by Day (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Scripture, Reflection and Prayer 11/20/2008

There is immortality in kinship with her, and pure delight in friendship with her, and inexhaustible wealth in the works of her hands.
- Wis 8:17-18

Reflection: Our good works pass through the hands of Mary and receive an increase in purity as well as in merit and intercessory value. That is why they become much more capable of comforting the Holy Souls in purgatory.
- St. Louis Grignion de Montfort

Prayer: O Mary, purify my good works and apply them to the Holy Souls. Help especially those souls who were closest to me on earth.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Scripture, Reflection and Prayer 11/18/2008

They will praise me in the land of their exile as they invoke my name.
- Bar 2:32

Reflection: Most holy Virgin Mary, your Name is so sweet and lovable that it cannot be uttered without inspiring love for you and God. Those who love you need only to recall your Name to mind, and it is enough to console them and enkindle greater love.
- St. Bernard

Prayer: O Mary, your Name is our consolation. help me to have it ever on my lips and in my heart during my time on earth.

From: Mary Day by Day (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)

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