You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and have appointed you that you should bear fruit.
- 1 Cor 15:16
Reflection: Our Church is the Sacrament of God's love. She is a communion of faith and life. She is a mother and teacher. She is at the service of the whole human family as it goes forth toward its ultimate destiny.
- Pope John Paul II
Prayer: O Lord, You have given us the Church to help us transform our human society into the family of God. May I realize that the Church is my family, and thus always treat it with due love and respect. From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
For I determined not to know anything among you, except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
- 1 Cor 2:2
Reflection: With Catherine of Siena and so many other "Saints of the Cross" let us hold on tightly to our most sweet and merciful Redeemer, Whom Catherine called Christ-Love. In His pierced Heart is our hope.
- Pope John Paul II
Prayer: Teach me the logic of Your Cross, O Lord. Help me to understand the astounding love that You expressed through this act, and enable me to respond to that love with all my heart, soul, and strength.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
Rejoice with those who rejoice. Weep with those who weep. Be of one mind toward one another.
- Rom 12:15-16
Reflection: Here is a model image of what the sentiments of the evangelizer should be: A person who suffers with those who suffer, rejoices with those who rejoice, and gives self to all so that others may share an immense joy.
- Pope John Paul II
Prayer: O Lord, grant that in my dealings with others, I may never succumb to rigidity. Help me to be willing to "walk in their shoes," so that I may respond to their needs and share in their lives.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
Deep waters cannot quench love, nor floods sweep it away.
- Song 8:7
Reflection: Do not be afraid of the demands of the love of Christ. On the contrary be afraid of being fainthearted, of taking things lightly, of seeking your comfort, of being selfish. Be afraid of everything that seeks to silence the voice of Christ Who addresses each person.
- Pope John Paul II
Prayer: Embolden my heart, O Lord, to love as You have loved. Let me not count the cost but rather trust that You will always make up what is lacking in me.
From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
What I tell you in darkness, speak it in the light. And what you hear whispered, proclaim it from the housetops.
- Mt 10:27
Reflection: Christians of these last years of the Second Millennium, you have an honorable yet burdensome task. You must be bearers of the Word to those who have lost its full meaning and importance.
- Pope John Paul II
Prayer: Make me a missionary of Your Word, O Lord. Let me not be ashamed of being a Catholic, but rather enable me to see my faith as something so precious that I want to share it with everyone whom I meet.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
- Mt 5:8
Reflection: All the pure in heart are, in a certain sense, mystics, because, as Christ proclaimed, they are candidates to "see God." But we should all be pure in heart, all good, simple, and childlike. We should all be able to want, be able to yearn, be able to receive.
- Pope Paul VI
Prayer: Lord Jesus, this world so often teaches us to become complicated and cynical. Enable me to enjoy the simple things that are so easy to take for granted.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
Anywhere two or three are gathered in My Name, there am I in the midst of them.
- Mt 18:20
Reflection: In prayer the Church concentrates on Christ; she possesses Him, savors His Friendship, and is therefore in a position to communicate Him. But by exercising faith, hope, and charity in prayer, she reinforces her power to communicate Christ.
- Pope John Paul II
Prayer: O Lord, it can be so difficult to find time to pray. Give me the courage to set aside other things that keep me from prayer, and grant me the love to want to spend more time with You.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
The work of each will be manifested, for the Day of the Lord will disclose it. It will be revealed with fire.
- 1 Cor 3:13
Reflection: How essential it is for the life of society that people not lose faith in their own work. How essential it is that they not suffer disillusionment because of this work.
- Pope John Paul II
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to see my work as a calling from You. Enable me to regard my coworkers as people whom You have sent into my life for a reason.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
Seek the Kingdom of God, and all these things will be given you as well.
- Lk 12:31
Reflection: The Church reaffirms the religious and supernatural values of penitence. She invites everyone to accompany the inner conversion of the spirit with the voluntary exercise of external acts of penitence.
- Pope Paul VI
Prayer: O Lord, give me the courage and the wisdom to see You above all other goods. Help me to see things with the proper perspective, so that food or leisure or work may never become the center of my life.
From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
I have planted and Apollos has watered. But it is God Who has given the increase.
- 1 Cor 3:6
Reflection: May prayers give wings to work, purify intentions, and be a defense against the longings of materialism. And my work in its turn lead to the refreshing encounter with God in which humanity rediscovers its primordial vocation and the true meaning of its existence.
- Pope John Paul II
Prayer: O Lord, teach me the balance between work and prayer. Help me to do my part in giving birth to the Kingdom of God, but let me also turn over to You that which only You can do.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
May your father and your mother have joy. May she who bore you be glad.
- Prov 23:25
Reflection: Responsible parenthood involves not only bringing children into the world, but also taking part personally and responsibly in their upbringing and education. True love in the family is forever!
- Pope John Paul II
Prayer: O Lord, let me value my family above my work, my career, and any other thing that might tempt me away from those whom I love.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
For I am not ashamed of the Gospel; it is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe.
- Rom 1:16
Reflection: Those who deem themselves to be Christian must know this fact. They are bound by conscience to the basic, imperative duty of bearing witness to the truth in which they believe and to the grace that has transformed their soul.
- Pope John XXIII
Prayer: O Lord, teach me to make my life ever more transparent and consistent, so that I may live ever more fully in Your truth.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
Let my prayer rise like incense before You; the lifting of my hands ,like the evening sacrifice.
- Ps 140:2
Reflection: Pray also for your brothers and sisters and for all the children of the world, especially those who are poor and hungry. Pray for those who do not know Jesus, for those who are alone and sad.
-Pope John Paul II
Prayer: O Lord, let my prayers for those in need rise up to Your heavenly throne like incense. Join the love found in these prayers with Your love and pour it down upon the parched hearts of this world.
From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
Walk in the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
- Gal 5:16
Reflection: We must insist on the priority of ethics over technology, on the primacy of the person over things, on the superiority of the spirit over nature. Humanity will be served if science and culture ally themselves with conscience.
- Pope John Paul II
Prayer: O Lord, the world proclaims that what is new must be good. Help me to remember that the dignity of the individual is of primary value, and it should never be compromised for convenience' sake.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
All who believed were together and...would sell their possessions and goods and distribute them among all accordingly as anyone had need.
- Acts 2:44-45
Reflection: Christians must share in the task of building up the city, creating new modes of neighborliness and relationship. They must also perceive and original application of social justice and undertake responsibility for this collective future.
- Pope Paul VI
Prayer: O Lord, let me remember that every Christian is called to transform this world, to make it more just, more peaceful, and more loving. Help me to do my part.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
Rather, blessed are they who hear the Word of God and keep it.
- Lk 11:28
Reflection: When the Word of God is duly accepted and properly observed, it assures unity in families as well as stability in society. It also assures an indestructible joy that will last beyond time and be transformed for all eternity into a life that suffers no decline.
- Pope John XXIII
Prayer: O Lord, in this time of chaos, I seek an ordered life for myself and my family. Let me find the source of that order in Your Word that gives life.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
Behold how good and how pleasant it is where brothers and sisters dwell together as one.
- Ps 133:1
Reflection: Watch! Do not let the precious values of faithful married love and family life be taken away from you. Do not reject them, or think that there is some other human prospect for happiness and human fulfillment.
- Pope John Paul II
Reflection: Shower Your love upon my family, O Lord. Let all of us be filled with concern for each other. Make us willing to sacrifice, ready to forgive, and generous with time and talent.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
Having been justified therefore by faith, let us have peace with God through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
- Rom 15:1
Reflection: Peace is not weakness, nor being indifferent. It is the daughter of justice.
- Pope John XXIII
Prayer: Help me always to work for justice, O Lord, so that we may all experience peace. Let this be true especially in my own family, my own neighborhood, my own parish, and my own country. At the same time, remind me to pray for justice and peace in the whole world.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things. Yet only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the better part.
- Lk 10:41-42
Reflection: Christian renunciation is an authentic way of Christian life. It implies a hierarchical classification of its goods and it stimulates us to choose the better part. It gives us practice in self-control, and it establishes a mysterious economy of expiation, which makes us participants in Christ's redemption.
- Pope Paul VI
Prayer: O Lord, let me remember that saying "Yes" to Your love also involves saying "No" to those things that separate me from that love.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)
We pray always for you, that our God...may by His power fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.
- 2 Thes 1:11
Reflection: Pray for the many spiritual and material needs of your families, your communities, the whole Church, and all of humanity. Indeed, prayer is the first and greatest work of charity that we must do for our brothers and sisters.
- Pope John Paul II
Prayer: Lord Jesus, like the Apostles of old, I too come before You and ask You to teach me to pray. Let prayer be the light of my mind, the joy of my heart, and the life of my soul.From: Minute Meditations from the Popes (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., New York)